Qing works in partnerships with new brands selling on consignment as your exclusive Chinese distributor via our shops on prime e-commerce websites. We advise on market strategy to harness 'user currents' on these websites, meaning you are more likely to reach potential customers. We meet our partner companies in person to craft a plan of action as unique as their brand.
For exceptional factory brands, we can offer our unique partnerships with these platforms, where we can facilitate agreements whereby e-commerce platforms directly buy the product for mass market consumption.
Unlike before, brands no longer need to spend thousands of dollars over years just to enter the Chinese market. Via authorised cross-border e-commerce, Qing sells your products without adapting product or packaging. In other words, Qing offers lower risk with exponential growth potential for brands to break into China.
Our Chinese branch has worked for years with the leading Chinese e-commerce platforms as a trusted wholesalers. We know consumer purchasing trends because we already work day-in and day-out providing our customers with established brands according to domestic taste.
China's demand for Western goods has grown exponentially over the last few years as European leading brands can now be imported into China without modification. We are always looking for new suppliers to meet this demand.
We focus on building sustainable relationships. Working with a British company, you can trust our business is protected. As a bridge to China, you can trust our demand will grow. Qing gives wholesalers the benefits of selling directly to China without the risk, hassle, cultural and linguistic barriers.