Qing is your bridge to
the Chinese market

Qing is a British company with offices in the UK and China dedicated to helping European
brands gain access to 1.3 billion potential consumers
Our Services

why partner with qing

Qing puts your brand on leading Chinese
e-commerce websites 

Imagine entering the Chinese market with someone who guides you on product selection and promotions, taking care of everything once you send your products to China. From customs registration to after-sales support, we take care of the entire sales process. We work in partnership with your business helping you sell your brand in China, as your exclusive distributor on China's top e-commerce websites. Qing is at the forefront of the rapidly growing cross-border e-commerce industry with shops on four e-commerce platforms including China's biggest - Kaola. This means we can give your brand the exposure it deserves. Let Qing take the headache out of entering the world's biggest market.

world trading illustration

With Qing you do not need to modify your product to enter the chinese market

For many years entering the Chinese market meant substantial investment in time, resources and money to modify products to meet Chinese legal requirements. It could take years to start selling in China, let alone the costs in marketing and distribution. Thanks to a new distribution channel cross-border e-commerce, with Qing you can enter the market without any change to your European product or packaging. Requirements such as animal testing are also not necessary via this channel. It can be sold exactly as it is, you just need to send over your product to China; we take care of the rest. Meaning your product is already ready to sell to the 1.3 billion person market.

China illustration

why wholesale to qing

Qing's genesis is wholesale of established brands to China's top e-commerce platforms. The size and scope of our demand mean we have remarkable buying power. Qing continues to look for suppliers who meet our growing demand for high-quality products in ample quantities that allow us to supply to China's top online sellers. 

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